The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It is the imperial palace of the Qing and Ming Dynasties. It is the best preserved and largest imperial palace in the world.
We got to the square first. It's huge! There are five exquisite white marble arch bridges in the square.
Standing on the square, looking up, a magnificent palace stands in front of us. This is Taihe hall. The hall of Supreme Harmony has a glittering throne and majestic pillars, which makes people feel shocked.
Then we passed the Qianqing palace, which was the emperor's bedroom, and went into the Royal Garden, where there was a pavilion.
There are rockeries and green trees beside the pavilion. It's very beautiful
The Palace Museum not only embodies the wisdom and talents of the ancient people, but also shows us the history of the ancient imperial dynasty.
Beijing is a city with a very long history. Grand palace exemplifies, layout, regulation, richly luxurious elegant buildings, there are many rare relics collection, is our country ancient architecture and culture, the essence of art."The man", not to Beijing Great Wall, like to swim, Shanghai not god is unthinkable. So far, including Nixon, Margaret thatcher, more than 300 people had boarded the world famous badaling in here, you can miss shanhe thorn?Beijing has too many sites to discovery, go for a walk。
长城 The Great Wall
故宫 The Palace Museum(TheForbidden City)
人民大会堂 Great Hall of the people
颐和园 The Summer Palace
香山 The Fragrant Hill
天安门广场 Tian An Men Square
人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's heroes
毛主席纪念堂 The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao
天坛 The Temple of Heaven
雍和宫 Lama Temple
亚运村 Asian Games Village
圆明园 Garden of Gardens
民族文化宫 The Nationalities Cultural Palace
十三陵 The Ming Tombs
首都体育馆 The Capital Gymnasium
中国人民历史博物馆 Museum of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution
中国人民歌名军事博物馆 Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
农业展览馆 The Agriculture Exhibition Hall
中国美术馆 The Chinese Art Gallery
卢沟桥 Marco Polo Bridge(Lugou bridge)
中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument
紫檀博物馆 China red sandalwood museum
i'm glad to hear that you are coming to sichuan in august. you've made thewise choice to travel here. sichuan province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as jiuzhaigou and dujiangyan irrigation project.
jiuzhaigou is well-known for its beautiful lake of which the water is clear and looks colourful. it can excite visitors' imagination.
another attraction is dujiangyan irrigation project. it was built over 2,000 years ago and it still plays an important part in irrigation today. besides, the nice weather andconvenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. i'm sure you will have a good time.
金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins
熊猫基地:Chengdu Panda Base
文殊院:Wenshu Temple
锦里古街:Jinli Ancient Street
宽窄巷子:Kuai Zhai Zane
都江堰水利工程:Dujiangyan Irrigation Project
乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha
武侯祠:Wuhou Temple
峨眉山:Mt. Emei
四姑娘山:Mt. Siguniang
九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage
杜甫草堂:Dufu's Thatched Cottage
青羊宫:Qingyang Temple
金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins
宝光寺:Baoguang Temple
自贡国家恐龙地质公园:Zigong NationalGeological
自贡大山铺:Dashanpu of Zigong
武侯祠:Wuhou Temple
九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui
世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage
都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam
杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage
青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple
武侯祠:Temple of Marquis
都江堰:Doujiang Weir
蜀南竹海:Bamboo Sea
成都(Chengdu),简称蓉,四川省会,1993年被国务院确定为西南地区的科技、商贸、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是设立外国领事馆数量最多、开通国际航线数量最多的中西部城市 。2015年由国务院批复并升格为国家重要的高新技术产业基地、商贸物流中心和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市 。
成都位于位于四川盆地西部,成都平原腹地,成都东与德阳、资阳毗邻,西与雅安、阿坝接壤,南与眉山相连。成都市下辖锦江区等10区5县,代管4个县级市。2014年末,成都市辖区建成区面积604.1平方公里,常住人口1442.8万人 。